'Cheap Accountants' cost more

Why Cheap Isn’t Always Cheerful (Especially When It Comes to Your Accounts)

Craig (not his real name) started his own business 18 months ago.

I did his tax return last year, getting him a tax refund which paid my fees and paid for his holiday.

A year later he got a job with his uncle and was embarrassed to tell me his uncle’s accountant would now do his tax return.

‘ Is he qualified and will he save you tax? ‘ I asked Craig.

‘ Yes he’s sound, he’s passed all those exams ‘ he assured me whilst also telling me the cost would be cheaper.

I wished him all the best.

Yesterday Craig called me practically hyperventilating.

‘That accountant forgot to do my tax return until I reminded him, and now he’s telling me my tax bill is £1,500. He’s not qualified either, he just calls himself an accountant. Help me, help me please’.

I calmed him down, got some info, tapped my calculator a few times, and told him his tax bill would be about £180.

Craig is coming back to me. He can afford a holiday again – when allowed

Cheap isn’t cheerful, especially where tax bills, and ‘ pretend’ accountants are concerned.

Have you had a bad experience by going for low cost?

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