We deal with a wide range of lenders supplying different types of lending solutions

Examples of specialist types of lenders:

Individual Invoices

This service provides a loan secured on one invoice. The most common example is where a business raises a particularly large invoice where the terms of payment are quite lengthy. This enables the business to obtain the funds in advance of payment.

VAT and Tax Bills

Finance enables a business to settle its liabilities to HMRC immediately, but spread the cost over 3-12 months.

Credit Card Receipts

Enables businesses who receive the majority of their income by credit card to borrow based on future expectations of this type of receipt.


Finance secured on monies owed to the business by customers, enabling funds to be released in advance of the settlement of the invoices.

Commercial Premises / Equipment / Stock

Finance supplied to enable these types of business assets to be acquired.

Distressed Businesses

Finance for businesses in danger of closure.

If you would like some advice on any of the solutions listed above, call us today for a chat.