Are you a company Director?
Has your business borrowed money?
Were you asked to sign several pieces of paper when you obtained the finance?
Do you know if one of them was a Personal Guarantee?
Do you know how much money you are guaranteeing?
Do you know what happens with a PG when a company can’t pay a debt?
Do you know you could have to sell your house?
Is your company unable to pay the debt?
Do you need to ask someone to help you?
Just over a year ago I did a short presentation which included these questions.
As I was leaving I was collared by a man, who had a work colleague who had answered ‘ yes ‘ to all the questions.
But he had no one to help him.
Later that day, I called his colleague.
We helped him, the call started a chain of events that saved him £20,000.
Have you got a PG?
Are you concerned about it?
Are you being asked to pay a company debt personally?
Would you like us to help you? Just get in touch for a chat and hopefully we can do the same for you.